Aiden Sormrson

A collection of information on Aiden Sormrson, Adventurer at heart, Defender of the Star when called, and loyal companion to those he trusts forever and always.
May the light of the Crystal guide you.


Aiden Sormrson’s past is unknown to a majority of his friends, allies, and FC mates, being something he still seems to have issues with and wishes to avoid talking about to the best of his ability. There are a few things known, however, that pertain to it or have some kind of connection to his past that have slipped through his defenses since he doesn't like to lie- he only skirts around the full truth.These details include a connection to the Burn, being older than his appearance lets on, even for a Viera- yet even he doesn't even know his true age, and finally a strange aversion to Ceruleum and being healed by Aetherical means. Whatever this "sinful" (as he puts it) past of his is, it, along with whatever his true line of work and being an "Adventurer by Trade" fully means to him, seem to be the source of a lot of his strength in battle.He plans to keep this past of his secret from all he can as long as he can, and unless someone shows him otherwise that he can let go and speak about it, it will be kept in the dark for a very long time. Perhaps soon, the time for light to be shed on these corrupt shadows will come, and he'll be shown how to walk through life anew, his truth bared once and for all.


Sweet, caring, worrisome, and dorky, Aiden tries his best to be his most genuine and truthful self with people he meets no matter how they react to him in turn, thinking that everyone deserves a little kindness in their lives. While his past is unknown even to those in his FC, he tries to be honest to everyone as much as he could and wears his heart on his sleeve for all to see, his body and face adding to this fact as well by expressing his thoughts and feelings a lot clearer through their changes. He seems to live by the ideal that so long as those around him are happy, then he is too, and will do whatever he can to make sure those he cares about and the rest of the world around him is looking toward that brighter tomorrow.He loves to travel and see the world for everything that it is, loves to get to experience and learn new and exciting things through that, and even try to put them in action should he learn a new skill from someone else. As such, he's surprisingly skilled in multiple styles of combat, and while he prefers peace over war, he still adores a good spar with a friend- even if it leaves them both battered and bloody. Despite how well traveled he is, a bit more than others due to the surprising locations he'd gone to, he loves hearing other's tales and stories of their own adventures and walks through life.He's shorter than a male Viera should be and lighter than he should be in general, and yet he's incredibly resilient to damage and pain and thus relatively unmarked by the many long years of battle and war he's witnessed and fought in. The only scars his body carries are two pink slashes under his chest, the rest of his pale skin being marked in dark freckles left from long days of travel in the sun. When he smiles, sharpened fangs make themselves known, and his eyes seem to glow with an unnatural vibrancy and appear crystalline, similar to Aether Crystals. Finally, he has a dark brown and pastel pink tail perking up from the base of his spine, the same colors as his hair and spotted ears, and his feet are pawed with pink pads with the velvety fur being the same pale brown on his nose.

OOC Information

Hello! I'm Aiden otherwise known as Eevee! I'm 20, He/Him, in CST time zone, and just getting back into RP after having done it a lot in my younger years and doing it for DnD, so I may not be very confident in my abilities but I'm excited to get into the scene again none the less!Due to getting back into the swing of things, I don't have anything that I would absolutely not do since I've just been out of the scene so long and just wanna work my way back in with a taste of most everything, but would prefer it all to be talked over and planned either way just in case so all parties have an idea of what's happening and if they're comfortable with it all. If something happens and I feel uncomfortable with something I will state as such, and if things don't change I will pull out entirely.I am open to RP with those 18 and older, either in game or through Discord(eeveethegentlelizard). While Aiden is near and dear to my heart, interactions that happen in character should not translate to out of character and a separation between me and my character should stay in place, as I am a person with my own thoughts and feelings that should be respected. Please and thank you!